English Curriculum
Whole School:
Sequenced Progression Curriculum Overview for EYFS at BPS- Communication and Language
Sequenced Progression Curriculum Overview for EYFS at BPS- Literacy
Reading for Pleasure on the School Improvement Plan
Reading for Pleasure Action Plan
Reading for Pleasure Outcomes 2023-24
Reading for Pleasure Professional Development - Meeting 1 and 2
Reading for Pleasure Professional Development Meeting 3
Our English Curriculum is:
- a curriculum that is ambitious for all pupils
Purpose and audience for all writing tasks.
Use of diagnostic assessment to plug the weaknesses across reading/ grammar/ writing/ spelling
- a curriculum that is coherently planned and sequenced
Phonics - Approved SSP: Supersonic Phonics Friends
Reading - working within the National Curriculum but also..
EYFS and Key Stage 1 uses Reading Eggs (Certificates given Weekly and most frequent users get a Celebration Breakfast with Mr Archibald)
Key Stage 2 Uses Accelerated Reader(Certificates given Weekly for Reader of the Week and most frequent and accurate readers get a Celebration Breakfast with Mr Archibald)
Mapping of Core Texts across the school
Year group Libraries filled with the must read books of their year group
Enrichment trips, such as the Bookfest:
Supersonic Phonics friends scheme for handwriting
Writing - year heads and Literacy lead have mapped out in the Curriculum Map.
- a curriculum that is successfully adapted, designed and developed for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
Daily keep up phonics sessions (including pre teach, post teach and plugging the gaps sessions.)
Extra reading sessions with the lowest 20% of readers.
Research based interventions are timetabled in each year group:
- Family Fischer Trust
- Beanstalk Reading
- 15 minutes part 1
- 15 minutes part 2
- a curriculum that is broad and balanced for all pupils
All children start school earlier in order to build in daily reading (lowest 20% being listened to by class teachers)
PAT approach produces...
Cross curricular approach so Literacy skills are used across the curriculum and the topics are relevant to the children’s interests.
Core texts in each year group selected according to our community
The Literacy journey includes;
- Hook moments to give the Purpose and Audience
- Speaking and Listening Activities
- Drama
- Text Immersion
- Short Burst Writing Opportunities
- Identifying features through WAGOLLs
- Grammar short burst opportunities to prepare the children for the Writing Journey
- Planning/Drafting/ Editing/ Improving/ Publishing/ Evaluating Writing Cycle
Curriculum Coverage:
EYFS objectives covered during the Early Years
Year 1 - Key Objectives covered during the school year
Year 2 - Key Objectives covered during the school year
Year 3 - Key Objectives covered during the school year
Year 4 - Key Objectives covered during the school year
Year 5 - Key Objectives covered during the school year
Year 6 - Key Objectives covered during the school year
Year 5/6 Statutory Spelling List
Year 3/4 Statutory Spelling List
Year 1/2 180 Key Spelling Words
Phonics Scheme: Supersonic Phonics Friends
Some Memorable moments:
Phase 2 and 3 sounds: