Our Behaviour Code

Every individual in the school is expected to keep to the code.


The Children in the School

  1. I will be kind, calm, honest and respect others.
  2. I will listen and follow instructions.
  3. I will always try my best.
  4. I will enjoy fun learning.
  5. I will show that I do well at school. 


The Adults in School


  1. The school will be a calm, safe and secure place for learning.
  2. Everyone will be a good role model for children. We will give time, support and direction to encourage children to be positive citizens.
  3. Everyone will create as many positive learning experiences for the children as possible.
  4. Learning will be exciting and will meet the needs of all pupils.
  5. All pupils will be valued. They will succeed in learning and school life.

All adults avoid talking about negative behaviour in front of children.


Our Behaviour Policy is here


Roseberry Drive, Edgware, Middlesex, HA8 8JP

020 8359 5430
